Meet the staff & learn what we do
As a long established, reputable orthotics and prosthetics company, we at Dynamics pride ourselves on our excellent patient care and world-class services. As a health care physician, physical therapist, prosthetist or orthotist, we have multiple services that will help your patients obtain the independence they want and deserve.
How to Refer Your New Patients.
Referring a patient to Dynamics is easy and seamless. Our friendly staff is always available to serve your patients’ needs.
- By phone, simply call us and speak with our qualified care coordinators to take your patient’s information and item request to800-928-8821
- By fax, send your patient information securely to our fax number 213-383-6421. Include the patient demographic information and a prescription or
- Use our online referral form.
- For HMO patients, submit a referral to the medical group and request Dynamics Orthotics & Prosthetics as your provider. Contact us for help with coding questions
Click for Our Online Referral Form
All information submitted to Dynamics Prosthetics and Orthotics will generate an encrypted to emailed for patient use only.

Documentation requirements for MDs and other healthcare professionals
Dynamics understands the challenges of keeping up with policies and procedures that are constantly changing. We want to make the process easy for you to refer your patients and get their prescribed devices quick and convenient, and remain compliant with today’s regulations. Here are some key components of required documentation
- Prescription for the patient’s medical device
- Provide medical justification notes for the device needed on the patient’s visit notes. Include what the patient will need and why. Ensure that this document is authenticated with a signature and date.
- Justify a patient’s functional level and how they will benefit from the brace or prosthesis
- For most lower extremity orthoses and all prostheses, patients must be ambulatory in order to qualify for the device, and must exhibit the desire to ambulate. This should be documented in the physician’s medical notes.
A patient’s general health, height, weight, and the length and shape of the residual limb are all factors a prosthetist will consider when creating a prosthetic care plan. These factors and the patient’s predicted mobility level will help determine which prosthesis will help a patient function at his/her desired activity level. Medicare created a system to rate a patient’s functional mobility level as it relates to component selection (socket design, foot type, etc.)
A determination of the medical necessity for certain components/additions to the prosthesis is based on the patient’s potential functional abilities. Potential functional ability is based on the reasonable expectations of the prosthetist, and treating physician, considering factors including, but not limited to:
- The patient’s current condition including the status of the residual limb and the nature of other medical problems; and
- The patient’s desire to ambulate.

Clinical Assessments of Patient’s Rehabilitation Potential Must be Based on The Following Classification Levels:
Level 0: Does not have the ability or potential to ambulate or transfer safely with or without assistance and a prosthesis does not enhance their quality of life or mobility.
Level 1: Has the ability or potential to use a prosthesis for transfers or ambulation on level surfaces at fixed cadence. Typical of the limited and unlimited household ambulator.
Level 2: Has the ability or potential for ambulation with the ability to traverse low level environmental barriers such as curbs, stairs or uneven surfaces. Typical of the limited community ambulator.
Level 3: Has the ability or potential for ambulation with variable cadence. Typical of the community ambulator who has the ability to traverse most environmental barriers and may have vocational, therapeutic, or exercise activity that demands prosthetic utilization beyond simple locomotion.
Level 4: Has the ability or potential for prosthetic ambulation that exceeds basic ambulation skills, exhibiting high impact, stress, or energy levels. Typical of the prosthetic demands of the child, active adult, or athlete.
Value Added Services (changed from Professional Education and In Service)
Education Program | We are committed to providing unparalleled customer service and education programs.
We value the importance of properly training patient’s with their device to maximize their functional rehabilitation and potential. Upon delivery we provide written and verbal instructions to each patient and appropriate hospital staff. Dynamics’ staff documents that patient education has been provided in the patient’s medical record. Dynamics will also provide in-services to the hospital and physician staff to keep informed on the latest developments and trends in our field.
Care Coordination 24/7 | Our hospital protocol includes the involvement of a multidisciplinary team that communicates effectively to provide the best service. Firstly, a hospital authorized staff will call our main office to place orders. The hospital will be directly connected to Dynamics’ care coordinator, upon which orders will be validated and pertinent information from hospital staff will be obtained. A dedicated Dynamics trained practitioner will answer the call and fulfill the physician’s request. Dynamics practitioners who work for the hospital are trained to properly evaluate fit and measure according to ordering physicians, around the clock. We are available by 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergency services.
Timely Deliveries & On-site Custom Fabrication Facilities
Dynamics understands the importance of being able to effectively meet healthcare costs. With monetary factors in consideration, Dynamics has strived to provide timely deliveries and meet deadlines. Our typical delivery time for a prefabricated device type is within two hours of the time the order was placed for inpatient delivery. Likewise, on average we are able to deliver custom-made items within 24 hours. Deliveries to hospitals and facilities can be made promptly after referral or authorization. Our on-site fabrication facility allows for expedited service with complete control of quality, design, and function. Our offices regularly stock a myriad of prefabricated
items. We will stock items frequently requested by a contracted hospital or health plan. Facilities and hospitals who use our services can expect a response to a call in minutes, rather than days.
Quality Assurance | Our Quality Assurance program monitors and tracks all orders placed. We require a quality assurance form with every order to track the time between orders are placed and the time that we deliver the order. Dynamics uses advanced technology of a complete patient processing electronic database module to monitor, schedule and provide information as quickly as possible. All paper documents are converted to an electronic file to allow the ease and speed of access to the information.
Routine Visit & Follow Up | We pride ourselves in being able to perform our services to the highest level. We monitor our performance with an appraisal or questionnaire form completed by the healthcare staff. Our marketing personnel make routine visits to the medical groups, hospitals, and physicians to ensure that Dynamics’ service meets our client’s expectations. Dynamics’ requests feedback appraisals to continually improve services.
In addition our staff regularly provides routine follow up visits for all custom fabricated orders after delivery to ensure a proper fit and function of devices. Our HALO and IPOP follow up protocol follow a 24 hour guideline.
Continuing Education | Dynamics also offers continuing education programs to ensure that our practitioners and affiliates are trained to properly fit and provide appropriate patient education to the specific capabilities and limitations of their orthoses and prostheses. Dynamics provides staff training within the practice and invites in-services from vendors to remain current with the latest in orthotic and prosthetic components.
Clinic Participation & Development | Dynamics participates in clinics offered at hospitals’ outpatient settings to provide patients with services at clinics on a highly effective and efficient level. We work with various clinics, such as neurology and vascular clinic where patients are be fit with their appropriate device. The patient’s benefit from these programs from the convenience of making a single trip to the hospital to consult with their doctor and patients are fit with their appropriate items by Dynamics’ professional staff.
Residency Program
About the Orthotic and Prosthetic Dual Residency Program
At Dynamics, one of our goals has been to help shape the future of orthotic and prosthetics in Los Angeles by offering a comprehensive dual residency program in orthotics and prosthetics. We understand the needs of new graduate prosthetists and orthotist. We offer a unique 18 month dual residency program to include, observation, assistance and hands on experience. Dynamics has been a NCOPE certified facility since 2004.
Skills and Practice
Additionally, our onsite central custom fabrication facilities provides residents the opportunity to get hands on approach to technical skills. At Dynamics, we fabricate 80% of our custom orthotic and 100% of our prosthetic devices. We believe that hands on experience, in conjunction with practice, and dedication results in qualified professional practitioners.
Diverse Experience
Our diverse communities, clients and healthcare institutions we serve, allow us to provide such an amazing and intense learning experience. Included in our residency program is a unique opportunity to participate and assist in established medical institutions such as: LAC+USC Medical Center Neurology Clinic and Harbor UCLA Medical Center Vascular and Trauma Clinics, these clinics are attended weekly. Our residents also have the opportunity to observe surgical procedures and assist practitioners with immediate surgical devices, such as Immediate Post Operative Prostheses, Early Post Operative Prostheses and HALO.
Dedicated Preceptors
Our O&P residents work with a dedicated team of practitioners to help guide the residents and train in the clinical setting. Our preceptors are experienced ABC certified prosthetists and orthotists who are specially trained to provide guidance and training to the resident.
You are eligible to apply to the Dual Residency program if:
- Bachelors Degree
- Completion of an approved O & P Professional Education program
- At least one year experience in the orthotic and prosthetic clinic setting (excluding academic education)
- Provide your own transportation and have a valid driver’s license
To apply to our program, send your letter of intent and resume to Your application will be reviewed by the O&P Residency Committee. If you are selected for an interview our Human Resources department will contact you. The number of positions in the program are limited. We accept applications throughout the year.